28 years ago, Rosie and I were expecting our first child, Vera. On a mid-December day, not unlike today, I was worried about our child’s future and how Rosie and I might do and make do as parents. A sudden thought crossed my mind: Jesus was born in a stable. It hit me hard – like I had never heard the Christmas story before. Being welcomed by animals, with nowhere else to go, Mary and Joseph wrapped him in rags and laid him in a manger. But the angels sang, “Glory to God in the Highest!” Somehow the paradoxes of it all showed me the path of trust and the knowledge of who to trust in.
Today, I think of so many who are suffering, who like Jesus have not been given a place, and yet I am filled with hope that not poverty, oil spills, wars, or anything else can take away the glorious future that is reaching out to the human family.
Reviewing this past year, I can hardly believe its momentousness. I’ve gathered some pictures below to tell something of this extraordinary year (click on pictures to see larger photo).