"We can do no great things, only small things with great love" - Theresa of Calcutta. Photographed by Wikimedia-Commons User Túrelio on July 13, 1986.
As the Creator’s children, as parts of the Earth, just like the air we breathe, we are called to generously share our gifts so that life might be sustained, that justice might be created, and that peace might be restored. Our sharing, like the Earth’s sharing, must extend to everyone, even to those who ignore us or treat us harshly, just as we have ignored or harshly treated the Earth.
This revolutionary call is not about great individual heroic acts, but about us, plain everyday people, alertly respecting one another, hoping in one another, and acting wisely and generously together. It is the mustard seed growing. It’s believing in the great good of “small things” done “with great love” (Theresa of Calcutta). It’s acting without looking for any credit or reward, “do not even let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” (Matthew 6:2-4). It’s each of us connecting our hearts to the needs around us and joining together so that each small breath and each small act works for the benefit of all.
If you’re interested in Alabama’s coastal communities and in the environment and you’re able to come, we are having a Future of the Gulf – Community Brainstorm this Thursday (October 28) at 6:30 to 8:30 P.M. at the Coastal Response Center at 7385 Highway 188 in Coden, Alabama. If you feel your voice is needed, please come and invite other interested persons, your voice is needed! Snacks will be provided.
Also if you have a minute check out Empower News (see tab above), it is really coming along. Thanks to Dawn McKinney, Rachel Guillory, and Mignon Denton for contributing to this effort regularly.