Very close to the gulf shoreline, this grand magnolia tree in the Dauphin Island Audubon Bird Sanctuary has stood the test of life’s many uncertainties and storms, photographed July 27, 2010.
To say that we live in uncertain times is an understatement. Did the rapidly decaying oil (see previous two posts) contain recently applied dispersants? People, who know far more than I, say it’s likely, but we don’t know that and perhaps we never will. But right now I want to say something about uncertainty and action.
Life is filled with uncertainties. So what are we to do? If I wait for certainty, I will have procrastinated too long and my gifts, how I can contribute, will be wasted.
Two months ago, I woke up with a very compelling thought, “Just do the basics and progress will follow.” We don’t need to understand everything; we’re not in charge; we just need to show up and do what we can well.
As difficult as uncertainties can be, certainties can be dangerous, “The oil wells are safe.” Uncertainty that leads to inaction can be just as dangerous. In contrast, appreciating how much we don’t know can keep us alert and spur our creativity and action.
Thus uncertainty is ultimately about courage – courage to do what we should do, following the basics of who we are, even when it means not knowing where our actions will lead us. Curiously this kind of uncertainty sounds a lot like living faith.