Dauphin Island is getting a good wind right now, much more than a breeze, but not a gale – pure, positive, refreshing energy. A good wind is just one of the many positive energies in life. Atoms spin, waters spin, the Earth spins, and we spin. Dreaming, dancing, sharing, enjoying, forgiving – fully believing in and expressing our beauty – spinning – revolving – revolutionizing – loving without end for the benefit of all. What a wind! What clean, positive, refreshing energy! Positive energy is all around us, a revolution always in the making, never letting go of us. Francis of Assisi, a great friend of animals and a great believer in positive energy, dedicated himself to this revolution of love with these words: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; For it is in giving that we receive; Let the positive energy in each of us find expression in our own words, voice, and life. Let the wind blow where it will. |
Positive Energy